About Us

OhGizmo! is a frequently updated blog that focuses on covering items that will appeal to a very specific and often very passionate audience: the geek. Aside from the fare of innovative consumer electronic products, the reader can expect to find news about geek culture, absurd inventions, awe inspiring technology, and an ever growing assortment of articles that we like to think fit within our view of what we’re calling the Geek Lifestyle.

Here is the team behind OhGizmo!

David Ponce – Founder and Editor-In-Chief
He is a 32 year old veteran blogger, having founded OhGizmo! in early 2005. His work has been featured and sourced in several publications, including BoingBoing, Engadget, PCMagazine, SmartMoney Magazine and too many more to list here. He works out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada and manages OhGizmo’s other contributors from there.

Hazel Chua – Senior Editor
Based out of the Philippines, Hazel has been on the OhGizmo! team since 2012. She provides an invaluable female angle to our coverage.

Mona Breitem – Associate Editor
Writing from Montreal, Mona has been on the OhGizmo! team since 2012. Along with Hazel, she covers female-oriented technology as well as keeping tabs on advances in biomedical engineering.

Andra Vasile – Associate Editor
Writing from Montreal, Andra has been on the OhGizmo! team since 2013. Along with Hazel, she covers female-oriented technology as well as keeping tabs on advances in eco-friendly gadgets.

Radu Iosif – Associate Editor
Radu comes in from time to time to tease a review of some new piece of hardware he’s gotten his hands on, or to cover technology he’s passionate about. He now calls Montreal home, while being originally from Romania.

We’d like to give out our exact location, the same way that large news organizations give you an address where you can just show up, and meet with people. But our outfit is decentralized, and everyone works out of their own homes. Therefore to give you an address would be to tell you where we live, and you just don’t do that on the Internet. Same goes for a phone number: they’re all our personal numbers. And to give an email address is to invite spam bots. You can however contact us very efficiently through our contact form. Be assured that every message is read, and addressed if necessary.