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[CES 2009] Hands-On With The Cell-Mate

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

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Cell-Mate (Image property of OhGizmo!)
By Andrew Liszewski

Luke already covered the Cell-Mate cellphone headset yesterday, but today I managed to force my way through the crowds to get a hands-on with the device. Yep… It’s a metal headband with a velcro mount for holding a cellphone… Thankfully even the guy manning the booth didn’t take it too seriously.

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. Dennis Box Avatar

    I bet the only people that buy this thing will be the ones standing around smoking a E-Cig.

  2. Dennis Box Avatar

    I bet the only people that buy this thing will be the ones standing around smoking a E-Cig.

  3. Dennis Box Avatar

    I bet the only people that buy this thing will be the ones standing around smoking a E-Cig.