Palm May Bring Foleo Back as webOS Netbook

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By Shane McGlaun

Back in 1997 before the netbook revolution really began and ultimately turned into the hottest segment of the computer market, Palm announced a small netbook-like device called the Foleo. The company spent big bucks developing and even talked the product up a lot. Shortly after the hyped product was announced, Palm evidentially realized that the entire Foleo idea was flawed and never actually built it.

Some analysts are now saying that Palm is expected to revive the Foleo and bring it to market as a netbook running webOS. I’d just like to go on record pointing out to Palm that sales of alternate OS netbooks are not good. I’m just saying, you can’t act surprised if the product doesn’t work out again Palm.

The device will reportedly sell for about $399 and use the Qualcomm GOBI chip that allows users to choose any mobile broadband carrier with the one modem. I for one won’t be surprised if this turns out to be another product Palm doesn’t launch.

[ Laptop Magazine ]

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