This product’s been around for a few years, but we’re sure some of you would still love to know it exists. It’s a very special keychain that serves two purposes: to cut your seatbelt and punch out a window in case of a car accident. It’s a horrible thing to think about but it’s entirely possible that after a wreck your seatbelt refuses to detach. Or your door to open. If you have to get out of there fast (sinking into a river, for example), the ResQMe could save your life. The window punch is activated simply by pressing the device against the window: a spring loaded mechanism triggers and launches a carbide tip into the glass, shattering it. Cutting the seatbelt involves inserting it into the slot and pulling across your chest. Easy.
It’s $11 and tiny enough that unless you’re really in love with your current keychain, there’s no reason not to get it. Just in case.
Hit the jump for links and a video featuring a terrible computer animation from the 1920’s or something…
[ Product Page ] VIA [ The Daily Grommet ]