Thursday, April 25, 2024

By David Ponce This should make granola types, treehuggers and lazy bums worldwide rejoice. MITs Media Lab's Counter Intelligence Group, which develops innovative kitchen designs, has created a machine that makes dishes on demand. And the innovation doesn't...
By David Ponce Well, it doesn't allow you to do a whole lot that you couldn't simply do without, but it looks kind of nice, and that's worth something. It's made by the good folk at Viceversa, recently famous for their...
By David Ponce The only thing more fun that getting a cold call from someone pitching life insurance is getting three freaking phone calls, the same day, for the same thing, from the same company, due to some database glitch....
By David Ponce Well, it's not that there's anything wrong with the traditional billboard per se. Scattered Post-It notes, and barely legible scrawls have succeeded in micromanaging families for decades. But, HP thinks it can do better with...

By Andrew Liszewski From Hammacher Schlemmer, the company that prides itself on selling things no one really needs comes this children's comforter that can both light-up as well as play sounds. Available in only twin sizes the comforter incorporates over 100...

By Andrew Liszewski Given the relatively cheap price of battery-operated sonic toothbrushes these days (what are they like under $10 now?) I really don't understand why someone would want a device like this. Basically it's a universal adapter that will...

By Andrew Liszewski Not only does the Xipper make opening up the plastic wrapping on CDs and DVDs a cinch but it will also force many standup comics to get rid of their "hard-to-open CD-packaging routines" so really the device...
By David Ponce If you visit this company's website, you'll see why it was quite the problem for me to find a suitable picture to show you. Most of the good ones happened to have a nekkid gal on...
By Ryan Nill Startlingly similar to something that you you would see on an infomercial in the middle of the night, the SensorFreshQ meat smeller will smell your meat for you. It can tell you whether or not meat is...