Sunday, May 19, 2024
This is just one of a bunch of very sexy looking backpacks, part of a line called Axio from company HaroDesign. All of them, except one, are polycarbonate hardpacks. There's a bunch of features on'em, allowing you...
By Asim Waqar For some time now, I have been thinking of quitting my job to make time to watch all the TV I want to. Soon, I may not have enough time for even a part-time position: Microsoft has...

By David Ponce So, you can look at this USB powered shaver a couple of ways. You can think of it as the perfect travel companion, recharging off your laptop while you work furiously at a cafe somewhere in...

By David Ponce Nothing like the sight of a mouse giving birth to lift your spirits in the morning. Especially if that mouse is the kind that connects to your computer (not the one that steals your delicious cheese)....

By Ian Chiu Make way for USB 3.0. While USB 2.0 (released 7 years ago) has improved performance tenfold, it hasn't been close to the speed demon many had hoped. Tweaks to chipset and controller helped boost the...

By Jeff Carstens The new AVN 6600 from Eclipse Fujitsu Ten is a DVD entertainment deck that can provide the owner with access to, well, automotive entertainment nirvana. Twin DVD drives allow for more porn mobile entertainment and info on...
By Asim Waqar OK, so lets put it in perspective : this chip can store data equivalent to 200 years of a newspapers archive, 8,000 digital music files or 32 hours of DVD-quality music files on a single chip. It will...

By David Ponce It's the bane of pseudo-handymen worldwide: having to align those holes so that your darling's pretty handpicked artwork lines up perfectly. Usually, you have to measure from the ceiling, or from a doorframe and mark the...

Being the sedentary, computer bound urbanite that I am, it's hard for me to envision a world where people actually go out and do things. Such exotic notions as camping, or kayaking, or snowboarding, or anything otherwise included...