Friday, May 17, 2024

geek - search results

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By Andrew Liszewski We're excited to announce the winner of our most recent contest for ThinkGeek's JOYSTICK-IT iPad arcade stick, but we're having a little...
JOYSTICK-IT iPad Arcade Stick (Image property OhGizmo!)

By Andrew Liszewski The iPhone and iPad have certainly proven themselves to be worthy gaming platforms, though their touchscreen interfaces makes them better suited for...
Samsung Tweetwrap (Images courtesy Samsung)

By Andrew Liszewski As part of a promotion for their new RF510 "boosted" notebook, Samsung will let you buy a roll of custom wrapping paper...
TannenBomb Ornament (Image courtesy ThinkGeek)

By Andrew Liszewski Even though I love Christmas, at times I find the more commercial aspects of the holidays a little annoying. But I'll never...
Electronic Music Synth Shirt (Images courtesy ThinkGeek)

By Andrew Liszewski Rounding out your t-shirt based band comes this new tee designed by ThinkGeek that features a fully-playable sythesizer with "five different pro-quality...

By Chris Scott Barr Yesterday we showed you a gadget that could essentially turn your iPad into a netbook by giving it a sleek case...

By Andrew Liszewski I don't care if you were the star quarterback, there's nothing 'cool' about wearing a Jostens ring to commemorate your years spent...

By Andrew Liszewski While it appears to be designed for having some seasonal Hallowe'en fun, ThinkGeek's new EvilTron actually improves upon their original Annoy-A-Tron in...

By Andrew Liszewski This clever tee designed by Steven Lefcourt manages to combine two major pop-culture trends into a shirt that doesn't actually end up...