$70 Klhip Ultimate Nail Clipper Now Available

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Klhip Ultimate Nail Clipper (Images courtesy Klhip)
By Andrew Liszewski

I find it hard to justify the cost of even the cheapest of nail clippers when I have a set of perfectly good teeth always available, but for some reason I find myself drawn to the Klhip with its high-tech looking “falling rate cam” design which puts the pressure directly over the nail. The matte finish surgical-grade stainless steel looks pretty futuristic too, and apparently the use of a single cutting blade results in cleaner nail cuts that don’t even need to be filed afterwards. It even comes with a lifetime warranty which normally I would consider above and beyond the call of duty, except for the fact that the Klhip will set you back $70, or $95 if you opt for the fancy leather carrying case.

[ Klhip Ultimate Nail Clipper ]

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