OGCC Day 11 – Festive Mopod Cellphone Charms

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Festive Mopods (Images courtesy Amazon.co.uk)
By Andrew Liszewski

OGCC Day 11 (Image property of OhGizmo!)I really don’t understand why people will spend loads of money for a slim, compact cellphone, only to hang clunky trinkets and charms off of it. Case in point these Mopods, which thankfully haven’t caught on as much in North America as they have in other parts of the world. Besides being cute enough to bring up your Figgy Pudding, they will also spin and light up when you have an incoming call which is great because ringtones alone just aren’t annoying enough.

The festive versions of the Mopods include a snowman, an angel, a reindeer and of course Santa Claus, aka Father Christmas, aka Pere Noel, aka Saint Nicholas, aka Annual Gift Man.

For some reason these particular Mopods appear to only be available from the UK version of Amazon for about $10 each. Just keep in mind you can only use them during the holiday season, unless you want to look even more foolish the rest of the year.

[ Mopods ] VIA [ Shiny Shiny ]

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