Ad Notam Table Mirror

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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So you’ve got a table mirror. Sure you do. Maybe not you, but your gal. Right, that’s the mirror she uses to get her makeup on every morning. You’ve seen it a thousand times. But does it have an integrated LCD screen? Huh? Does it? Didn’t think so. And now, of course, you want it to.

Well, why don’t you contact German company Ad Notam and order one of their table mirrors? Because you know, that’s exactly what they do. They integrate an LCD screen and make it look pretty. It can receive inputs from your TV, SAT receiver, DVD, video, you name it. The super thin LCD is behind the glass, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning. And finally, my man, you too can enjoy something your significant other does.

It’s about two feet, by one foot, by a tenth of a foot. The actual screen is 5.6″ across, which is plenty. And it’s, again, priceless.

Check it out.

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