Swanky Rain Shower

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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bigrainAt OhGizmo! we don’t talk about prices. Prices are these nasty things that stand between the stuff you desperately want, and you. Well, sometimes we do, like when stuff is below, say, four digits. In this case, we won’t.

So you’ve got the swanky palace. Everything is modern. You’ve got the embedded smoke detector, and whatnot. Now you need a shower that looks and feels like rain. The water just falls from a hole in your ceiling and looks and feels like rain.

This wonderful piece comes from company Dornbracht, and can be had in various sizes, from gentle drizzle to tropical downpour. Of course, you adjust your prices accordingly.

Go inside for more pics.

Visit the website and search for “big rain” to get to the right page. Story VIA Popgadget.

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