LG Art Cool, merging design and air conditioners

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Key Takeaways

Yeah, those are ACs. See, we’ve already covered the Modern Smoke Detector. It’s time someone paid attention to that other common eyesore in your house: your air conditioning unit. Come on, look at it. Is it nice? Sleek? Sexy? Does it match anything in your decor? No, of course not, it’s an object of necessity, not one of desire. You buy it for the function, not the form. Now LG has done something about it.

Just look at them. You can even get some with artwork on the face, like that Van Gogh. Of course, you realize, hot cool new designs come at a premium, with the cheapest of these units starting at 1700$. But man, do you get what you pay for. At least I think. I don’t know squat about ACs, but check out these specs: Nano Plasma Air Purifying System, Plasma Heat Exchanger, Anti Corrosion Gold Fin, Jet Cool, Auto Cleaning, Natural Wind by Chaos Swing (??), 3 Dimensional Air Flow, Healthy Dehumidification, Wireless LCD Remote Controller (!!).

I don’t know about you, but me, anything with the word plasma has me sold.

Don’t know if they’re available in the US, but here are the links anyway. The product page.
LG usa page.
Story VIA Apartmenttherapy.com.

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