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iStubz – The Dumbest Idea I’ve Ever Wholeheartedly Endorsed

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

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iStubz Cables (Images courtesy CableJive)
By Andrew Liszewski

I wouldn’t go as far as to call these iStubz replacement sync/charge cables for the iPod and iPhone genius or anything, I mean they’re just shorter versions of the ones Apple gives you, but 9 times out of 10 I only need 7cm of cord. I’ll happily suck it up that one time I need a bit more slack if the rest of the time my desk isn’t a cluttered cobweb of white cables. $7.95 for a 7cm version, $8.95 for a 22cm version or $14.95 for a bundle that includes one of each. And they come in your choice of traditional white or non-conformist black.

[ iStubz ] VIA [ Gear Diary ]

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. Anthony Oliver Avatar

    This is why I love my Android phone. It uses mini usb to charge. I have a retractable usb cable.

  2. Anthony Oliver Avatar

    This is why I love my Android phone. It uses mini usb to charge. I have a retractable usb cable.