Monte-Carlo Underwater Exercise Bike

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Monte-Carlo Underwater Exercise Bike (Image courtesy Monte-Carlo)
By Andrew Liszewski

Looking for more resistance than your standard, dry-docked exercise bike offers? The Pool Bike from a company called Monte-Carlo is designed to be ridden in the shallow end of your pool, or in a particularly generously sized bathtub. The deeper it’s submerged the more intense your workouts will be, but a spinning wheel in the back fitted with adjustable paddles allows you to increase or decrease the resistance in as little as 2 feet of water. Made of nylon, ASB plastic and fiberglass the bike is completely waterproof, including its built-in LCD display which monitors your time, distance, speed (in knots maybe?) and calories burned. And you can pick one up from Hammacher Schlemmer for $899.95.

And do you remember The Oatmeal comic: How A Web Design Goes Straight To Hell? Well I have a feeling that’s exactly how the Monte-Carlo website came to be. (Yes, there’s music too if you wait around long enough for it to load.)

[ Monte-Carlo Pool Bike ]

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