Homelite 5-Ton Electric Log Splitter

Christen da Costa Avatar
Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways

Having a cabin in the woods doesn’t automatically mean you’re a rugged outdoorsman. You can enjoy the fine pleasures that being away from the city provides (fresh air, anyone?), while still indulging in the comforts and luxuries urban environments have accustomed us to. The Homelite 5-Ton Electric Log splitter will make stocking up on firewood as easy as pressing a button. Its 15 Amp electric motor can split logs up to 20 inches long and 10 inches in diameter, and its 20 second cycle time will give you just enough of a rest to not strain yourself from loading the logs up in the first place. It’s a $300 luxury that will have some more genuine woodsy types looking down on you, but one that you’ll be happy you purchased anyway when you’re watching Will & Grace reruns on your flatscreen TV “in the woods”, while sipping on some hot cocoa.

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