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New Zealand Mint’s ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘Transformers’ Coins, Minting Soon!

Hazel Chua Avatar

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Doctor Who Coin

It’s true that there are many things that money can’t buy, but one thing that it can buy is money. Not necessarily more money, but it would be currency in a more desirable form. That might sound a little bit confusing, so let me clear it up for you by saying three words: Doctor Who and Transformers.

These highly successful and wildly popular franchises are huge money makers, and now they’re going to be turned into actual money by the New Zealand Mint. You might remember the Star Wars and Hobbit coins they released in previous years, which were all kinds of awesome. Now they’re giving Doctor Who and the old school versions of Optimus Prime and Megatron the same treatment as these three entities are going to be minted into commemorative $2 coins that are going to be sold for way more than the face value of the coin: Doctor Who will be priced at $155, while the 2-coin Transformers set will go for $280.

Transformers Coin

Transformers Coin

So it might seem like you’re getting less for more, but for the true fan, these coins are priceless.

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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