Superhero Backpacks Let Kids Take Flight at School

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Superhero backpackI used to be one of those kids who would cry when it was time to go back to school. Not my proudest moments, I know. For whatever reason, some kids just don’t like going to school and it’s up to their parents to find a way to motivate them and make them understand that it’s for their own good–and for their future. After all, school is their gateway to a world of knowledge, where they can let their imagination and creativity take flight as they grow and learn.

Driving that point across are super moms Daphne and Rena, who created the SuperME backpack. Each one features generic designs and doesn’t feature any commercial characters. The best part? Each SuperME backpack comes with a hoodie cape, which might come in handy in bad weather.

The SuperME backpacks cost $39 and are available online. The ones with the capes are priced at $49.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ C|NET ]

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