DOOM Pewter Miniatures Should Sell Like Hotcakes

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Doom is one of those classic franchises that people just don’t seem to get enough of. So we’re not surprised to hear there’s a lot of demand for this set of 15 characters from the game, each one made out of pewter. You have all the usual suspects, like cyberdemon, Arch-vile, Hell Knight, cacodemon and more. The set comes in a plastic 10″ x 8″ x 3″ carrying case with an updated stamp on the bottom. We say updated because this happens to be the same set that was sold originally by Reaper Miniatures in the late 90’s, with each figurine made from the same molds. Unlike back then, you can now buy all 15 at once.

The kit is being sold by Bethesda, who bought idSoftware a while ago. They’re asking $200 for it, but you’re going to have to wait a bit until they’re back in stock.




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