Even Princesses Have Facial Fuzz: Disney’s Princesses with Beards

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Disney Princesses with Beards

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it seems like a lot of people are hung up on beards lately (remember the Super Beards that Braun used in their ads?) It’s not limited to human beards either, because cat beards are pretty hot, too. And while only men have beards in real life, BuzzFeed’s Adam Ellis decided that women can rock them, too, and came up with a gallery featuring Disney’s princesses sporting flowing manes on their scalps and on their chins. [Let’s not forget it’s Movember! -Ed.]

Meet the Bearded Mermaid, the Sleeping Beardy, Beardahontas, and more in his amusing gallery, which you can check out after the break.

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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