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‘Moments’ App Shows You How Much Time You Spend on Your Phone

Hazel Chua Avatar

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Moments App


How much time do you spend on your phone in a day? A few minutes? Half an hour? Probably more, especially if you use instant messaging or check for emails a lot during the day. Giving you the exact figure is Moments, an app which tracks how long you used your phone and where you were when you were using it. It uses the collected data to build a map to show you the most frequent location of use.

If you feel like your usage is excessive, then you can set a maximum daily limit for your phone usage using the app. When your time’s up, an alert pops up letting you know it’s time to put your phone down and start living (and interacting) in the real world. It’s available for iOS and can be downloaded from iTunes for $3.99.

VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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