SharkStopper Repels Sharks With Acoustics

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Sharks are deadly creatures. Movies and media make them out to be bigger villains, but the threat they pose to surfers and to those who are enjoying a swim at the beach is very real. Whereas Batman had his shark repellent, the rest of us now have a better option than shark-repelling rash guards with the development of the Sharkstopper.

It’s a wearable device that emits the sounds of killer whales, which is one of the shark’s natural predators. The signals have been tested on various species of sharks, including hammerheads and the great white shark, with positive results.

The Sharkstopper is currently up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of $275 will get you one of your very own.

[ Sharkstopper ] VIA [ C|NET ]

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