Toolbox Fridge Looks Right At Home In Your Garage

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Your garage is like your second home. It’s where you work on your car, and where you go to get away from it all. It’s your sanctuary and you’ve spent a fortune buying only the best tool boxes and tools. You could fit a regular fridge in there for refreshments and such… but why not just go with the Versional Portable Garage Toolbox? It’s a small fridge that looks just like one of your toolboxes, but features a cooling compartment large enough to fit a bunch of stuff. There’s even three drawers up top, so it’s not completely just a gimmick. It’s painted the same kind of red or blue that many of the most popular toolboxes are painted, so you can sneak a beer or five on the sly without the spouse ever knowing a thing. Not that you should have to hide your drinking habits from your significant others, but hey, that’s marriage sometimes. What’re you gonna do?

It’s $400 and measures 17″W x 18 3/4″D x 31 11/16″H.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ TheAwesomer ]

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