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Bricasso Made From Legos Prints Lego Art

Hazel Chua Avatar

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You don’t have to be a fan of Lego to appreciate the awesomeness of the Bricasso. It’s an aptly-named printer that prints Lego mosaic art, and the coolest part is that it’s also built using Lego bricks. The Bricasso is the work of Jason Allemann who’s as good in coding as he is in building Lego-tastic works of art.

The Bricasso uses the Mindstorms EV3 to scan the images to be Lego-lized. It then picks up bricks which have been placed in a gravity feed system and “prints” them on a base plate.



You can check this link to see a video of the Bricasso in action.

VIA [ Damn Geeky ]

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