The Kuju PourOver is a product for making real coffee while you’re away from the grid or far from a traditional coffee-making machine. It’s an alternative to using instant coffee, which some see as an inevitable reality in many cases. It uses a specially designed origami-style pouch that anchors on the side of a cup of pretty much any size, holding the already-ground beans in a small filter bag and allowing you to simply pour hot water over them to make your brew. Let it steep for a bit then simply throw the pouch. Sure, the beans aren’t freshly roasted and ground, but don’t forget you’re trying to make the best of a typically coffee-restricted situation.
It’s not the first such product on the market, but Kuju PourOver tries to distinguish itself with quality beans, and a nitrogen-flushed pouch that displaces oxygen in order to keep oxidation to a minimum. It’s a $30 at the moment for 6 Kuju PourOver pouches, which is a lot of money for coffee, but you’re being asked to keep in mind that 1% of the proceeds will go to One Percent for the Planet, an environmental conservation outfit.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ ThatsNerdALicious ]