ROK Espresso Maker Uses No Electricity, Is As Hands-On As It Gets

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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There’s an entire sub-culture devoted to discussing ways of crafting the perfect espresso. Very often these guys talk about maintaining the perfect temperature, and perfect pressure during the extraction process; it’s a very precise technique some manufacturers claim to have honed to a science. The ROK Espresso Maker takes a completely different approach; call it an artistic interpretation of coffee extraction. See, the device uses no electricity. It’s up to you to boil your own water. More importantly, it’s also up to you to press this water through your ground beans at the exact rate and pressure you feel will yield the right flavour for your buds. You can either press the arms all the way down and let the mechanism do its thing, or you can do a combination of other actions to vary the extraction process, from over-filling the reservoir, to pausing for a few seconds to let the water infuse into the grind. If modern machines are the epitome of automation, the ROK is the exact opposite, letting you wrestle with all the variables for a truly hands-on approach to coffee making. It’s $155.





[ Product Page ] VIA [BlessThisStuff ]

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