Taser Pulse, The Company’s Smallest Device, Is For Civilian Use

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Police have Tasers, but they’re not the only ones who do. As a matter of fact, the company has just announced the release of their smallest model yet, aimed at the consumer market. The Taser Pulse is the smallest device in their arsenal, measuring “a mere 5.24 inches long by 4.5 inches tall and weighing roughly half a pound.” Don’t let its size fool you, since it does come “with rechargeable batteries, two live Taser cartridges, laser-assisted targeting and a 15-foot range.” It’s small enough to stuff in a smallish handbag or behind your back, and can provide you with some peace of mind if you expect to be walking through a rough patch of town. It’s $399 but won’t ship until late Q1 of this year. You can of course pre-order it, right now. You should also check local laws first to make sure you’re allowed to carry this.




[ Product Page ] VIA [ Engadget ]

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