How to Beat the Flu Season with Technology

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Using Technology to Beat Flu Season? It's Downright Possible These Days

I’ve nursed a cough for nearly a month when the year has started. I had worst days, but coughing and sneezing are affecting my productivity. It’s also kind of embarrassing when you can’t stop coughing when you’re in public.

So, for you guys to dodge the flu, you can get help from technology. We use technology mostly for entertainment and work. We better use it for our health watch too. Here are ways on how to do that.

Do preventive precautions

As they old healthy saying goes, “Prevention is always better than cure.” For us to avoid flu and stay healthy, we should always be hydrated, get the right amount of sleep and if needed, check on our vital signs. There are gadgets that can help track these like Thermos smart water bottles, Sense sleep monitor, and Withings blood pressure monitor.

Alleviate body pains

Sometimes, body pains come with the flu. Or sometimes, people tend to overlook the chronic pain that they’re feeling because it’s always there and they’ve learned to deal with it. The Quell Pain Relief is a wearable that serves as a revolutionary solution for this. Quell comes with a companion app that lets users set the pressure so pain on certain parts of your body can be minimized.

Monitor body temperature closely

If flu has finally kicked in, what you can do aside from going to the doctor and take the recommended medications, is to monitor your temperature closely. If you have smart thermometers from Kinsa or Withings, you can track your temperature simpler and keep graphs of your readings so you will know if you are getting better or not.

That’s how technology can help us live better. Keeping these smart health products in your home lets you kick flu and sickness in the butt. If you want to take a closer look at these products, you can read our guide on beating the flu season with smart gadgets.

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