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Hommin’s Simple & Clever Trashcan Design

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

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Hommin Trashcan (Images courtesy Hommin)
By Andrew Liszewski

Thanks to a relatively small garbage chute in my building, I rely on plastic shopping bags for garbage disposal. So I really like this clever trashcan design by Hommin (Hung Ming Chen). It basically consists of a wooden frame with clothespins built into the top of 4 posts to hold the bag. Not only can it be flat-packed making it easy to ship, but you can also paint it to match the decor of your kitchen, bathroom or office. And since I’m constantly throwing stuff in the trash only to find the bag has collapsed, I especially like that this ‘can’ holds the bag open at all times.

You can buy the Hommin Trashcan directly from designer Hung Ming Chen’s website, or from the horrible to navigate, DesignTorgent website.

[ Hommin Trashcan ] VIA [ Likecool ]

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. Michael @ Freshome Avatar

    Is to simple, I preffer something with a little more design.

  2. Mike Avatar

    Hope those plastic bags you’re using are biodgradable!