As a fan of rock music, the Jammy looks like a pretty cool way to jam. It’s a small, pocket sized device that that has the feel and sound of a real guitar. With the Jammy, instead of playing on an electronic surface like some other pocket guitars, it has you strumming with a real guitar pick against strings. And, because there are only 5 frets on the body, the neck can be extended out up to 12 inches to change octaves, which mimics the motion of sliding your hand up and down a real guitar neck.
While I doubt it’ll even come close to the feeling of a real guitar, the Jammy looks like a cool piece that anyone can have fun messing around with. The video shows off a lot of potential, but there’s no way to tell how much black magic is being used to make it look good.
There’s no word on how much it’ll cost, but the company says they plan to begin shipping later in the year.
[ Jammy ] VIA [ TechCrunch ]