Remember The Old Arcade Game Rampage? Well It’s Now A Feature Film and Here’s The Trailer

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Remember Rampage from the 90’s? The one where you go around and cause as much chaos and destruction as possible? Well, it’s now being turned into a major blockbuster staring The Rock, and Warner Bros. just released the first trailer.

As you can see from the trailer, there are indeed large monsters causing chaos and destruction to the city (it follows the game so closely!).

The Rock plays a primatologist who befriends a gorilla named George, one day George becomes curious and investigates a meteor landing and after being sprayed in the face with some Hollywood magic, starts growing massive and becomes Curious George a rampaging monster.

The film looks like a lot of fun, and I can say that because they showed the entire movie in the trailer. Like, from the first act to the climax, they showed the entire thing. They showed so much, that I wouldn’t be surprised if the next trailer showed 35 minutes from the sequel.

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