A $50 Autonomous Quad-Rotor That Obeys Your Voice Commands? Sign Us Up!

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways

Let’s start by saying that the above product can’t be bought right now. It barely even exists. But if tech firm Always Innovating follows through on their plans for the MeCam UAV, they could have a winner on their hands. Their idea is to make an autonomous quad rotor bot with an ARM Cortex-A9 processor, and which features 1 GB of built-in RAM, an SD card slot, a camera, and is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth-enabled. With these hardware specs, the bot would then be able to take videos of you as you move around, going higher or lower at your command. It would also be able to follow you autonomously, and record your shenanigans from above as if someone else was in control. Imagine the possibilities!

Of course, not much is know about which of these capabilities are functional at the moment, and which are just in the pipeline. But if all goes well, Always Innovating would have a workable product by next year. And that’s only if they find a commercial partner to license the design from them., since they don’t want to make it themselves.

That’s a lof of “if”, so we’re not holding our breaths.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]

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