A CD Shattering, Seen At 170,000fps, Is Just Mesmerizing

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


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If you aren’t subscribed to the Slow Mo Guy’s YouTube Channel, you really should. They’re always coming out with cool videos showing what happens to stuff in super slow motion. The latest video of theirs to go somewhat viral is the one above, showing a CD being spun up to 23,000rpm and shattering. At that speed, the centrifugal forces are just too great and the disc disappears in less than the blink of an eye. But when filmed at 170,000fps with a Phantom V2511, loaned to them by Vision Research (and we understand the need for a loaner, since the thing starts $150,000!), you can clearly see what happens. It’s really amazing stuff. The GIF you see above is what it looks like at 28,500fps, but if you want the incredible 170,000fps footage, it’s just a click away.

[ Watch on YouTube ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

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