You’re looking at a a giant glass slipper that also happens to be a church. It’s located in Chaiyi province of Taiwan, features 320 tinted glass panels, measures 10m (36ft) wide and cost about T$23m (US$686,000 £477,000) to make. Why? According to Pan Tsuei-ping, the administration’s recreation section manager, it was built to attract more women. However, it will not be used for worship, but rather as a venue for pre-wedding photo shoots and wedding ceremonies.
The shoe was inspired by a local story. According to officials in the 1960s, a 24-year-old girl surnamed Wang from the impoverished region suffered from Blackfoot disease. Both of her legs had to be amputated, leading to the cancellation of her wedding. She remained unmarried and spent the rest of her life at a church.
The high heel is intended to honour her memory.
Of course, it’s not every woman who’ll take kindly to this kind of thinking. Online discussions featured comments like this: “What were the authorities thinking when they commission such a hideous-looking building in the area? It’s just disrespectful,” said one user on popular Chinese microblogging site Weibo.
What do you guys think? A shoe shaped church for weddings, good idea or terrible?
[ BBC Article ] VIA [ Geekologie ]