AAXA Technologies Introduces The Affordable P1 Jr. Pico Projector

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P1 Jr. Pico Projector (Images courtesy AAXA Technologies)
By Andrew Liszewski

I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for pico projectors, but having reviewed a couple of AAXA’s offerings in the past I’ve noticed that the price tags haven’t exactly been dropping over the years like I’d hoped. And I have to assume that AAXA feels the same way since today they introduced their new P1 Jr. pico projector which currently sells for a very reasonable $119.99.

It’s billed as the “world’s smallest LCOS pico projector with onboard MP4 player” and from the product shots it definitely looks the part, but keep in mind that the old ‘you get what you pay for’ adage applies the same to pico projectors as it does to everything else. The 10 lumen LED light source means you’ll really only be using it in a dark room, and given the size of the projector, the compact rechargeable battery inside is only good for about an hour of use. Still, it’s got an SD card slot allowing you to natively load up and play back multimedia files and breakout cables allow you to connect it to an external AV source like an iPhone or a DVD player.

[ AAXA Technologies P1 Jr. Pico Projector ]

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