Acer Debuts First NVIDIA Ion PC

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By Shane McGlaun

When I was at CES this year one of the cool things that I saw was the NVIDIA Ion platform demo at the NVIDIA booth. The little machine looked to be the perfect HTPC with a tiny form factor that would fit inside my cramped entertainment center.

I wondered why we didn’t see machines at CES actually using the Ion platform and I was starting to think we might not see any. Acer has now unveiled the first Ion machine called the AspireRevo. Acer says the computer is no larger than your typical hardcover book and is a fully capable computer with advanced graphics and multimedia features.

The Ion engine has an Atom CPU with an NVIDIA GPU and is capable of HD video conversion. Processing of HD video is handled by the integrated GPU. The machine supports Vista Home Premium, outputs full 1080p video and 7.1 surround sound. Acer says that it will play games like Spore, Call of Duty 4, and Sim City 4 and is DirectX 10 compatible. Blu-ray playback is supported with an external Blu-ray player. Pricing and availability are unknown.


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