Aetho Aeon Steadycam Will Make Your GoPro Videos As Smooth As Butter

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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Everyone and the mailman is taking action videos these days. One thing most of them have in common however is how shaky they tend to be. The Aetho Aeon aims to fix that by providing you with a fairly high-tech stabilizer for your GoPro. It features a 3-axis gimbal powered by brushless motors, a 32 bit Cortex processor, and an accelerometer making 1,000 measurements per second, which all combine to keep the camera completely steady. There’s a viewfinder LCD and a joystick to help you point the camera right where you want it, as well as an accessory mount. The battery is good for 5 hours of use on a 2 hour charge, and the kit weighs all of 1.1lbs (500g).

It’s a pretty fancy way to stabilize your videos, and considering the amount of tech, we’re surprised the asking price is only a $349 pledge to their fully-funded IndieGogo campaign, with shipping in Q1 2016.


[ Project Page ] VIA [ Werd ]

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