Putting suspension systems on your skateboards is the kind of feature you never really knew you wanted. It’s not like most skateboarders are ever complaining about how rough their ride is. But now that we’ve come across the Avenue Trucks, we’re left wondering what took so long.
Unlike some other suspension skateboard trucks (such as those made by Seismic), Avenue Trucks don’t incorporate coil-type shock absorbers. Instead, they utilize a simpler leaf spring-like design, where the magnesium main body of the truck is mounted on a folded-over metal baseplate that can flex by up to half an inch (12.7 mm).
The body is able to pivot relative to that plate and unlike traditional trucks, it features a “floating” pivot point that reportedly results in smoother turns and more control.
Considering a very reasonable $45 pledge will net you a pair of these trucks, we think it’s a great idea, assuming of course that it results in a more comfortable ride with no drawbacks. It’ll be interesting to see the feedback from the skateboarding community once these hit the market, which should happen in September, assuming they reach their funding goals.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]