Aircraft Aluminum Frame Carry-On Supports 300 Lbs Of Stuff You Didn’t Need To Bring

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The Aircraft Aluminum Frame Carry On (Image courtesy Hammacher Schlemmer)
By Andrew Liszewski

Wow! Over the years I’ve traveled with my fair share of overweight suitcases, but I think the most I ever tipped the scales was around 60 lbs, and that was for a checked bag. I’m really not sure who would need to travel with 300 lbs worth of clothing and toiletries, but this carry-on suitcase’s external frame allows you to do just that. It’s made from aircraft-grade aluminum so not only can it bear all the weight inside the suitcase, but it can even be used as a portable seat if you don’t feel like standing while waiting in line.

The suitcase uses a set of removable zippered pouches to keep things organized and/or separated, and when empty it only weighs 8 3/4 pounds. Given its size you’d probably need to fill it with those lead-lined aprons the dentist makes you wear during x-rays to max out the weight restriction, but it sure would be entertaining to watch someone struggle to hoist a 300 lb carry-on into an overhead compartment. The carry-on is available from Hammacher Schlemmer for $289.95.

[ The Aircraft Aluminum Frame Carry On ]

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