Art Can Be Pretty Strange: Anatomical Kitchen Accessories (Possibly NSFW)

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Key Takeaways

Milk comes from breasts, right? So let’s make a milk jug with nipples! Or hey, we taste salt with the tip of our tongues, so let’s make that salt shaker shaped like a tongue! We can’t be sure, but we imagine that this could have been the thinking behind Christine Chin’s collection, titled “Sentient Kitchen.” Of course, she’s an artist so she might take issue with our unsophisticated assessment of her creative process, and she might be right. What do we know? We’ll tell you this though, her “Breast Bottles” with nipples, or her “Perceptive Sugar Jar” with an eye on it, or even her “Good Listener Teacups” with ears on them are all conversation pieces. That’s for sure. And in that sense fall on the more successful side of the art palette. So to do Christine justice, here is her statement, in her own (better) words:

Sentient Kitchen examines the convergence between technology and biology. As the machines that assist our lives become smarter and more architecturally complex, they borrow increasingly from the biological realm. Sentient Kitchen takes inspiration from some of nature’s most ingenious engineering.

Of course, this being art, it’s not specifically for sale. Nor do we know if it’s on display anywhere. But you can get a bunch more pictures after the jump. Just know that a couple may be NSFW (nipples).

[ Christine’s Website ] VIA [ Incredible Things ]

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