Artist Makes Some Kickass Star Wars Terrariums

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Seems like today is Star Wars day (considering this post if you came here directly), but we don’t mind because hey, we love the films. What you see above is a 5 inch terrarium featuring none other than Yoda, chillin on Tatooine. One Tony Larson makes these and sells them from his Etsy shop. He doesn’t only make Yoda ones, but other characters like Artoo and an Ewok. They contain no live plants, meaning you can just hang these somewhere or put them on display and not worry about watering or anything. He sells them for roughly $100 a piece, with a 3 to 4 week turnaround since they’re made to order. So… either buy, or buy not. There is no try. (We had to, sorry.)

Hit the jump for a few more pictures and links, where you’ll discover that Tony doesn’t limit his terrarium creation skills to Star Wars items but a variety of others for you to discover.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Inhabitat ]

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