Assassin's Creed Parkour

Parkour has been around for quite a while now, but it wasn’t until recently that it hit the mainstream. At least, for geeks like us. Skilled freerunner Ronnie Shalvis decided to show off the amazing things you can do with the discipline by combining it with Assassin’s Creed. The result is this awesome video where Connor gives chase to redcoats running away on galloping horses with the less fortunate ones hanging from the trees.

Ronnie’s moves are so smooth that what he’s doing almost looks like a piece of cake. Almost. Hit the break to check out the video and see for yourself.

This is the second Assassin’s Creed and parkour mash-up that Ronnie has filmed. You can watch the first one he made here.

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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One thing Hazel loves more than geeky stuff is writing about their awesomeness. She graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering but has always wanted to be a writer. As luck and a whole lot of work would have it, Hazel got her cake and is eating it, too: sifting through endless paperwork during the day while blogging for various tech and gadgetry blogs during the night. She also established her own gadgetry blog recently, which you can check out at