Authentic Water Blast Arcade Game

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Authentic Water Blast Arcade Game (Image courtesy Hammacher Schlemmer)
By Andrew Liszewski

Hammacher Schlemmer, the fine purveyor of many ridiculously expensive items that no one actually needs for their home, is now selling this Water Blast Arcade game that’s just like the ones you’d find at theme parks and state fairs. Except this one doesn’t include a carny, or buttons covered in cotton candy and caramel apple residue. For those unfamiliar with the concept, it’s a two-player game that challenges you to accurately shoot a stream of water at a target in order to illuminate all the lights on the scoreboard before your opponent does.

A 1/2 horsepower pump powers the water guns, but a set of glass shields on the top and sides of the targets prevent water from splashing outside the game. It also features a simulated carnival barker’s voice that initiates the contest, makes fun of players who can’t hit the target, and declares a winner in the end. The only downside is that the coin doors are disabled, which means you don’t have the chance to make back the $11,000 price tag, one quarter at a time.

[ Authentic Water Blast Arcade Game ]

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