Joining the ranks of cool mom Cory and awesome dad Mike is Paul Wallich. He didn’t mod his kid’s push car into a DeLorean nor did he mod Zelda and turn Link into a girl. Instead, he did something that isn’t only fun but pretty useful at the same time: he built a quadcopter that tracks and walks his son to the bus stop.
Call him lazy, but you have to admit that it’s a pretty ingenious device. Paul wanted to keep an eye on his son when the latter made his way to and from the stop. But at the same time, he didn’t want to go out there and do some actual walking either. So instead, he took a basic quadcopter kit, strapped an old smartphone into it so that he could stream the live feed to his home computer, and installed a navigation program in order to track the GPS beacon in his son’s backpack.
Convenience for the dad, and instant popularity for the kid. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
VIA [ Technabob ]