Here’s to hoping that an ambitious crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo not only reaches its funding goals, but that the product in question turns into reality even if funding is met (which is not always guaranteed). It’s called the Ring Clock, and is meant to be a time telling device worn on one of your fingers. It allegedly uses “ultra-thin mono-color LEDs” and a “6mAh, ultrathin rechargeable lithium polymer battery” to display the time at the twist of its body. The battery, though small, would be enough to give the ring one week of autonomy. Charging would be done wirelessly, through induction using the Qi standard and would involve nothing more than placing it on a charging plate. It’s an eye catching product, which would be sure to start several conversations at parties and altogether make you look like an Alpha geek.
But here’s the rub. The company is seeking $287,400 in funding. So far, the only concrete thing they have is a work-in-progress prototype which appears to be nothing more than the external body with laser cut numerals. They admit that they will use a third of the funds to complete said prototypes… so we’re not even sure if the concept can actually be pulled off. We’re not informed of any track record they may have, and considering how ahead of its time it is, we’re worried that even if they manage to reach their goal, that the Ring Clock will never be successfully manufactured. Still, this is the nature of crowd funding: to give an opportunity to people to produce innovative products when they might not otherwise have fit traditional criteria for doing so. Let’s hope they pull it off. It’s an $185 pledge to get in line for yours, which might arrive in April 2014 if all goes well.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ Uncrate ]