Bada-Beam Laser Toy

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Bada-Beam Laser Toy (Image courtesy Solutions website)By Andrew Liszewski

It’s widely known that most cats love to chase lasers, but I was surprised to find our golden retriever pup was just as obsessed with trying to catch the small red dot as his feline counterparts are.

While chasing the laser seems to be endless fun for the animal, that’s not always the case for the person shining the laser. This is where the Bada-Beam Laser Cat Toy steps in. Just place the cone-shaped device in the middle of your living room, open the lid and it will automatically project a laser dot in circles around the room with intermittent pauses to ensure that it keeps your pet’s attention.

The Bada-Beam Laser Cat Toy runs on 3 AAA batteries (included) and is available from Solutions for $19.95.

[Bada-Beam Laser Cat Toy] VIA [The Red Ferret Journal]

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