Battlestar Galactica Video Game Available for Xbox and PC

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Battlestar Galactica Arcade Game (Image via BSGArcade)
By Shane McGlaun

I am a big Sci Fi fan and one of my favorite TV shows of all time is Battlestar Galactica on the Sci Fi Channel. I was really bummed when I heard this was the last BSG season, almost as bummed as I was when I was a kid and the original series was cancelled.

Today Sierra Online and the Universal Pictures Digital Platforms Group released a Battlestar Galactica space combat game based on the TV series from the Sci Fi Channel. The game is available for both PC and on Xbox LIVE Arcade. The game supports up to 16 players on PC and up to 8 players on Xbox. A single player game is also included.

Players can choose to play as a Cylon or as a human and players can also choose different ships and 10 missions from the TV series for the single player game. Four human ships and four Cylon ships including the Viper II and the Cylon Raider are available to pilot. Battlestar Galactica is rated E 10+ by the ESRB and will be available at retail outlets and by download for $19.99.

VIA [ BSGarcade ]

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