BC Man Breaks Speed Record On Skateboard, Tops 80mph, POV Films The Entire Thing

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By David Ponce

While we think this happened over two years ago, Engadget has a video of BC native Mischo Erban breaking a record with panache. This dude knows how to go fast on a skateboard. We imagine it’s not that hard though: find a big long hill, make sure there aren’t any potholes, grow a gigantic pair of balls and get going. That’s what Mischo did, although he was wearing some cool gear that made his record breaking run not just impressive but also interesting from a tech standpoint. He was wearing a customized version of the Recon heads-up display, which also sported a camera to immortalize the event on video. The HUD also kept Mischo informed of his speed as he was doing the run, so he knew the moment he topped 129.94 km/h (80.74 mph) that the record was his. That’s mighty fast while standing up on a wooden plank with wheels. If you care to know what it looks like from Mischo’s point of view, hit the jump.

VIA [ Engadget ]

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