Because Why Not: General Mills Is Giving Away A Selfie Spoon

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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Who hasn’t had a hearty bowl of cereal and thought “Gee, I sure wish I could take a selfie with this spoon, right now.”? Someone at General Mills has, this much we’re sure of, because it seems the company is giving away a selfie stick spoon as a promotional item for their Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereals. It’s a legit selfie stick that extends to 30 inches, and uses Bluetooth to trigger your camera… only at the other end of it there’s a spoon. The idea, we imagine, is to make it easier to take pictures of yourself while gobbling down some of their delicious cinnamon-y cereal. They even suggest a hashtag: #selfiespoon.

The spoon itself is free to US residents (you only have to pay for shipping) but it’s currently out of stock. We’re not sure if that’s because they’re understocked, or because there’s an actual market for this. However we suspect the folks at General Mills are aware of how ridiculous this is, since one of the items on their descriptions is “Really a Thing!”. Yes… it’s really a thing.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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