Bed Butler Holds On To Your Things

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Everything in life seems to be about compromise. One part of your brain would desperately want to keep the cellphone, the books, the contact lenses and the glasses within hand’s reach when you’re in bed. But the other part of your brain just doesn’t want to accept you having to buy a whole nightstand. Space is at a premium, people! The obvious compromise is to get a Bed Butler 2.0. Made from polycarbonate plastic, it securely slips under your mattress to hold itself in place, and gives you room for just about anything you’d want to have by your side. A 3-way adjustable divider even keeps things somewhat tidy. Oh, sure, it’s not the most eye pleasing thing in the world, but if space is limited in your home, there are worse ways to spend $42.


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