Be@rbrick iPhone/iPod Speaker System

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Be@rbrick iPhone/iPod Speaker System (Image courtesy Medicom)
By Andrew Liszewski

If you’ve got a penchant for vinyl ‘toys’ you’ll immediately recognize these Be@rbrick figures which are now doing double duty (besides making your cubicle/shelf/desk more hip) as large-scale iPhone/iPod docks. There’s not much to report on tech-wise, besides a set of volume control buttons, but because it’s a cute mashup of a teddy bear and a Kubrick figure, you might be dismayed to hear you’ll be dropping ~$183 (¥14,800) if you want one. That is of course if you can beat the vinyl toy collectors to it.

[ Hypebeast – MEDICOM TOY BEARBRICK Speaker System ] VIA [ ALBOTAS ]

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